So it started as a lazy Sunday in our house. We didn't have much planned and when we asked the kids what they wanted to do M shouted "Go fishing!" B was not so enamored with that plan but the boys were all in. That is until I told L he would have to use B's old fishing pole which may or may not be all pink and Barbie themed. That idea did NOT go over well. In order to calm L down I told the boys that we could go to Target to look for a more appropriate fishing pole. Thankfully we found an Ironman-themed pole which was much more acceptable to L.
Once we finally got to the pond L immediately was hit by beginner's luck. Honestly, he was getting bites no less than every third cast. Granted these weren't fish that anyone would confused with Jaws but to a 5 year old it was the action not the outcome. L would like everyone to know, and I quote, "I caught ten fishes (Hubby note- it is distinctly possible this is an exaggeration) with my brother M and my dad. Then we had fun. I caught a lot of fishes. One tip, throw it far far away as you can."
Though his brother's luck with clearly killing him M was extremely gracious and good about it. Thankfully in time M had his own luck and ended up catching two fish and narrowly missed a third that somehow got off the line right before we could get it up. He caught his second fish on his last cast so we all ended on a high note. M's tip of the day is to walk back when you are reeling in a fish. As you can see from the leviathan he caught you would do well to heed his advice! Maybe I can convince him to go as Captain Ahab this Halloween......

All in all it was a very successful day and hopefully not our last visit to the pond this summer. Maybe next time we can even get the girls to join us!