Is it just me, or has it taken forever for Friday to get here!?! It must be because next week is the 4th and I just can't wait!!! But before we get to the 4th I thought I would share some of my loves of this past week....

{1} Hydrangeas
I used to have a black-thumb. For years it seemed that whatever I planted in our yard would meet an untimely death. Not that I want to jinx myself by saying I now have a green-thumb but I would say that I am improving. And I am most proud of my hydrangeas this summer!
{2} My Hair Stylist
Words can not describe how much I love my hair stylist! Not only does she listen before she cuts but she can also tame my crazy curly hair. Any girl with curly hair below the Mason-Dixon line knows that a stylist that "understands" curly hair is worth their weight in gold!!!
{3} Dinner Alfresco
I am simply loving dinners outside on our deck. The other night after dinner the kiddos literally ran around the house while Hubby and I had a chance to chat alone. Heaven!!!
If you would like you can take a tour here.
{4} New Reads
How sweet was Hubby to order Mary Kay Andrew's new book for me!?! I have loved all of Mary Kay Andrew's previous books so I am sure I will love this one too! I promise to give y'all a review as soon as I finish...

{5} The Queen
I use sunscreen all year long but I do tend to reapply more when we are at the pool and the beach. All of that sunscreen is great at blocking the sun's harmful rays but it also blocks my pores. Which brings me to the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. This drugstore find is the best at taking off all the sunscreen that soap and water can't get. It is a summer "must" in my book!!!
Thanks so much to A. Liz Adventures, The Good Life Blog, Hello! Happiness and Carolina Charm for hosting this week's link party!