Wednesday, January 15, 2014

IKEA Broke My Back

I have been planning my trip to IKEA for what seems like forever. Truley I had been looking forward to today. And it was wonderful! I got everything on my list and I was all giddy until dinner.

Now I fear my time at IKEA broke my back! Ugh!!! 


I had asked for some help loading my car but was told that it looked like I could "do it myself". Really!!! I never know what to say when someone is just plain rude so I did load my car by myself. And my back hates me for not speaking up. 

I never want to seem like a wimp or helpless but sometime I do need help. Could someone please explain to me what happened to costumer service!?!


  1. So sorry!! I hope you're ok try our bath soak recipe on the blog today. The loading issue is one area Ikea sucks at! Xo Nancy

  2. And the grocery clerks who think that just because I bring in fabric bags they can put 80 pounds of canned goods in there! PLEASE!
    Don't these people know you and I are princesses?

  3. How awful!!! When I am taken aback by customer service - whether for the good or the bad, I usually send an email to the appropriate person - store manager or HR. If the person doesn't wear a name tag, I ask them their name. It's amazing how this can turn a bad attitude into a humble one. I almost always hear back about my email.


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