Thursday, December 12, 2013

Gingerbread Men: Girls vs Boys

We had a couple pf friends over to play this week and I thought all of the kiddos might like to decorate some ginger bread cookies. I made the dough ahead of time and rolled it out. All I needed was for my little helpers to get off the bus and help me finish making the cookies.

Everyone had a great time picking out what cookie cutters they wanted to use. Some stars, bells and snowflakes were made. But for the most part the boys just wanted to make gingerbread men and from there on in my sweet project to an unplanned turn....

Edible dragees became "helmets". Red "eyed" gingerbread men were now zombies. And all dough scraps quickly became bows and arrows. While this should have come as no surprise to me since I have three younger brothers, but really!?!

Thank goodness B kept her cookies all sweet and girly!!! 


  1. So sweet! I can almost smell them from here. I miss those days. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I miss those days too...I was hoping to do some cookie baking this weekend! I don't think I will have too many "helpers" though.

  3. This is so cute! It is a sign of the era in which they are growing up and is to be expected. At least the boys are interested in baking :)

  4. This is so much fun and perfect activity for kids during the holidays!


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