Anyway without further ado, here is what's on my mind...
{1} Regrets
This year I have made it my mission to clean this house out! We simply have more "stuff" than we need. (Hubby's note- AGREED!) So I right after Christmas I gave away all of my super big, super cozy wool sweaters. They served me well in New England but I just was not wearing them in NoVa. Boy do I regret that now!!! Since it would be tacky to ask for them back I guess I will have to do some shopping. And don't be surprised that I am shopping the men's department of LL Bean!

{2} Ikea Hack
I am so happy that I am finally doing this! I knew this was going to be a great project but I had no idea it would take me this long to get around to it. I can't believe I first mentioned it in July. But I am finally doing it!!!
{3} Vino By It's Cover
We all know that we are not suppose to judge a book by its cover but I would be a liar if I said I never read a book simply because its cover appealed to me. Recently I could say the same about a wine I tried for the first time. It had been forever since I was in a wine shop and was able to talk with the owner about what I like and didn't like about red wines. After a bit of chatting he suggested two wines. And I picked one simply because I loved its name. Not to worry it all worked out...I loved it!
{4} Formal Wear
The time of year has come that I must find a formal dress for the Catholic Charities Ball. We always have the best time at the Ball yet I always wait until the last minute to find a dress. This year I am thinking of doing something different. Has anyone had any luck with Rent The Runway? I would love to hear what you think.
{5} Art App
I know that talked about this App yesterday so forgive me but think it bears repeating. When you use the Waterlogue App, you can turn any iPhone picture into a watercolor. It is so pretty!