Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Back-To-School Must Have!

Back-to-school lists. Some people love them, others hate them. My daughter is over the moon just thinking about fresh pencils and notecards. My son...not so much! But if you have grammar school children you too are labeling an unreal amount of glue-sticks and notebooks right about now.

There is one all important back-to-school must-have for two out of our three children that is never on the list...Epi-Pens. Since B and L both have severe allergies they need to have Epi-Pens at all times. And it is up to me to make sure that their meds have not expired, which is why I call our pharmacy every August and order new Epi-Pens for the school year.

Since B carries her Epi-Pens at all times I was so happy to figure out that a two pack neatly fits into the "brush and pencil" bag by Vera Bradley. Both B and myself use these bags to keep our need Epi-Pens at the ready. 

Now all I need is for Vera Bradley to make a camo-print for L next year when he starts kindergarten! Because I have feeling that he will not love the colorful prints that B and I do!!!


  1. We had a major scare yesterday, epi-pen, ER, the works! This is a really cute idea for carrying them around. With J being only 4, it's great seeing an older kid manage allergies so well! Makes me less nervous about the upcoming years when she won't be under my watch most of the time.

  2. Such a cute bag - now the kids without allergies will want one! I guess you are going to have to get that sewing machine out with some camo fabric and create your own boy-bag!
    Happy school year to you!


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