Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beating The Heat

Unfortunately due to L's stitches we will not be going to the pool for the time being.  So in order to beat the heat today I took the kiddos to the movies.  I am not sure if I am the only one that feels this way but I think that movie theaters are the coldest place on earth!  Whenever we go to the movies I also pack a cardigan and man was I glad I did today!!!

Since the kiddos are big fans of Monsters Inc, we decided to see Monsters University today.  I think it is fair to say that we all just loved the film.  I wish I could have taped my children's reactions during the movie.  Their over the top laughter always makes me giggle!

Thank goodness there are a bunch of family movies out right now!  I have a feeling that we will going to the movies a couple more times before we get the green light for L to swim.  But I am happy to report that he is going well and on his way to being good as new.  

Thank you all for your sweet comments yesterday!  It truly warmed my heart that so many bloggers were thinking of L!!!


  1. Good thing for Kid Movies!!! Hope your little guy is feeling better!

  2. We share the same feeling about theater temps. I'm always packing a sweater or sweatshirt! So glad you came across my blog and left me a message! Love making new blogger friends. Xo - Jenn

  3. I adored this was so great! I hope you have a nice cool day today.


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